Humans Of Kickapoo: Spooky Edition

What is your favorite Halloween candy?         

“Snickers” Claire Akins (9)






What are you dressing up as for Halloween this year?

“Batman” Drew Angus (9)






What is your favorite Halloween tradition?

“Going to all the haunted houses and corn mazes” Jackson Shorter (10)







What is your favorite thing to do on Halloween night?

“Take the whole bucket of candy when it says to take one” Eliza Coulter (10)







What is your favorite Halloween movie?

“Scary Movie” Beau Benton (10)







What is your favorite Halloween song?

“Spooky Scary Skeletons” Meryk Pheonix (10)






Do you still trick or treat?

“Yes as long as my friends do” Avery Scott (12)







Would you rather go to a Halloween party or go trick or treating?

“Trick or Treating for sure, easy candy” Steven Banks (10)







What was your first Halloween costume?

“It was spiderman, I looked so cool” Chase Hamme (11)







What are you most excited about this Halloween season?

“Carving pumpkins with my friends and family” Ellie Guthrie