Kickapoo High Quarterly


Kickapoo High Quarterly


Kickapoo High Quarterly


Hidden in Plain Sight

Students often hide their phones in class to sneak in some texting, scroll through social media, or even play games. They’re trying to stay connected or entertained without getting caught.

Under the Table 

   Students often think they’re being sneaky when they hide their phones under the table and completely brain rot. A secret mission for them is a teacher’s clue real quick. What else could you possibly be doing under the table while fidgeting in your lap?


A student trying to hide their phone under the table.

Behind the Chromebook 

  This is another classic move. Hiding the phone behind a laptop screen during class is pretty common. Nothing beats paying attention in class and swiping across your non-touch screen chromebook. 


A student trying to hide their phone behind their computer screen.


In the Book 

   Some slip their phone into a textbook or rest it on their lap to sneak a peek. It’s almost like a secret agent skill set. Although it’s not that secret… teachers can see when you’re not flipping the pages or your eyes aren’t moving left to right. 


A student trying to hide their phone in their library book.
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About the Contributor
Alley Ackerman, Feature Editor