Music is one of the most subjective art expressions and is inferred differently from person to person. To one, they might find a song depressing while to another it could bring joy and good memories.
Each song I am piecing together in this playlist makes me feel relaxed and blissful. To me, that’s what spring is.
Spring is warm mornings with rainy cool nights and that’s exactly how this playlist will feel.
Starting strong with Freaking Out the Neighborhood by Mac DeMarco. The instruments used in this song are light but upbeat and blend in a stunning way that exposes spring in a beautiful yet peaceful setting.
Following directly after would be the song White Ferrari by Frank Ocean. The image coming to my mind consists of April showers pouring during the sun’s final moments before the moon rises and lamplights turn on signaling the end of another night. The soft tones in the song ultimately remind me of a rainy night.
A spring playlist wouldn’t be one without a throwback to 2000’s music. No Scrubs by TLC has such a perfect rhythm to dance or sing to with friends. As it’s on the more upbeat and heavy side of this playlist, it’s easy for happy and exciting spring memories to flood the mind.
Something About You by Eyedress and Dent May paints the colors green, yellow and purple in my mind which directly correlate to spring.
Change by Djo. This song paints a story about changing and the benefits that come with it. Spring is such an influential time of change. As the weather starts to defer to a warmer temperature, positive reactions within the mind come fourth leading to a more productive and happy mindset.
Those are the most important of the playlist, but a playlist shouldn’t only be five songs. The following songs have such spontaneous beats that bring life to the meaning of spring.
The One With The Wurlitzer by American Football.
Fantasy by Mariah Carey.
Eat Your Young by Hoizer.
Alrighty Aphrodite by Peach Pit.
Forrest Gump by Frank Ocean.
All of these songs remind me of spring in a way that’s unmatched. Spring in all its glory is one of the most perfect times to sit down outside and listen to an upbeat song.
I suggest using this playlist to create inspiration for your own springtime playlist. Music is magical and means something different to everyone.