Ukraine Needs Help

Organizations such as bstrong are encouraging people to send donations so they can continue to send much needed aid to those suffering in Ukraine.

The people of Ukraine are in need of help. facing desperate times, with scarce resources and much uncertainty, many organizations have since offered methods for people to help them in aiding those suffering in Ukraine.

Rising tensions between Russia and Ukraine began to take shape starting in the later part of 2021. The earliest evidence of threats from Russia were evident in November of 2021, when satellite images showed Russian troops building up along the border.

Since then tensions continued to rise and talks between Russia ad other world leaders began commencing. However, despite other world powers best efforts Russia had refused to listen to the calls for peace, and on February 24, 2022 invaded Ukraine. Reports of explosions began to be reported in and around the capital of Ukraine-Kyiv, which also stands as the countries largest city with a population of just over three million people according to world

In his speech on February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin said “We have been left no other option to protect Russia and our people, but for the one that we will be forced to use today. The situation requires us to take decisive and immediate action. The people’s republics of Donbas turned to Russia with a request for help,” according to

He further noted “Our plans do not include the occupation of Ukrainian territories. We are not going to impose anything on anyone by force,”.

The people in Ukraine have and continue to suffer each day as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues. As of March 2, 2022 there were at least 136 civilian deaths, although that number is expected to be much higher. notes that “the health system suffers too due to the damage to health infrastructure such as hospitals and clinics. It triggers the flight of health staff, leaving understaffed health systems to cope with growing patient loads caused by the conflict. This is on top of the interruptions to supply chains,”.

The Council of Europe further notes that “his war tramples on international law and human rights and obliterates humanitarian law. Millions of people fear for their lives under the indiscriminate shelling that has struck hospitals, schools and homes. Thousands have been cut off from basic facilities, and lack access to water, medication, food, electricity, sanitation and shelter. Hospital workers struggle to provide care, forced by frequent shelling to relocate their patients to bomb shelters or basements. Streams of refugees and displaced people desperately seek safety,” per

Here’s how to help:

  1. UNICEF: UNICEF currently has volunteers on the grounds in Ukraine, running The UN International Children’s Emergency Fund. UNICEF is accepting donations via their website in order to provide water, hygiene products, and other emergency aid. to help the estimated 7.5 million children and their families in Russia.
    To help in their cause you can Visit:
  2. The bstrong organization is currently accepting donations to help aid Ukrainians, they have set up booths near the Polish-Ukrainian border. The bstrong organization is providing medical and travel aid for refugees, as well as food and other necessary products. Since its start offering aid for Ukrainians, bstrong has currently amassed 6 million dollars in aid via donations, and still encourage people to donate so they can continue to scale the current operations. They also have 10 million dollars in food, hygiene products, and other necessities that have been and will continue to be distributed to people
    To help bstrong and  visit:
  3. is providing immediate aid to help Ukrainian families by providing them with food, water,and physiological support. They are also working to provide cash assistance to these families who need it to help. They have been providing humanitarian aid in Ukraine since 2014, and continue to provide this necessary aid and assistance to the many displaces children and families.
    To help in their cause visit: