Kickapoo High Quarterly


Kickapoo High Quarterly


Kickapoo High Quarterly


Seasonal Struggles

An insight on the hardships that people with allergies go through during the changing seasons. Living with allergies is equivalent to having a cold all the time.
Even though flowers are one of natures natural beauties, the pain the put me through takes my admiration down a bit.

 Allergies, also known as hay fever, are nothing new. There are over 100 million people in the U.S. alone with allergies. Personally, my allergies come around whenever the weather changes. 

   Most people have them during the changing seasons. For those who don’t know what allergies are, it’s your body’s way of overreacting to something it thinks is dangerous. 

   Pollen is a source of bad reactions like sneezing, sore throat, watering eyes, and even difficulty breathing. Plants bloom and release pollen when the season changes which is why allergies occur mostly during fall and spring. But that’s not all. People can get allergies from mold, dust, animal fur, and plants.        

  Having to deal with these symptoms on a daily basis is just as horrible as being sick, yet there is no staying home. 

   As mentioned, allergies are like being sick. Some days are worse than others so it’s a constant change in wellness. It’s a repetitive pain that only goes away according to the seasons, so you know when they are coming and you can’t avoid it. 

   Sometimes allergies do get to be too much for students and they have to stay home. This puts them behind in their classes. My parents know when my allergies come and refuse to allow me to stay home which causes me a lot of discomfort. I’m also extra tired during school and end up crashing after. 

   It’s not only a disadvantage as a student, but as a person in general. It causes me to spend less time outside. During hay fever season I am a lot less active. With the issues of me being outside and the constant inability to breathe, I tend to become fatigued and tired and it takes a toll on my mental health. 

   Severe allergies can also cause medical issues, such as a sinus infection or exacerbation of asthma symptoms which would require medical help. 

   For the people wanting to feel better during these terrible times, here are some medications that help with allergies. The quickest way to relieve the usual symptoms is Antihistamines. Some others are  

Nasal steroids, as well as Zyrtec Allergy, Allegra Allergy, and  Claritin Alavert.

   In the end having allergies can cause hardships during certain times of the year. It can be expensive if you get medication to loosen the effect and interrupt your daily life.

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About the Contributor
Amiah Pierce, Reporter