I have noticed when talking to various people that there are two different types of chapstick users: those who use Vaseline and those who use Aquaphor.
Now, if you are unfamiliar with what Vaseline or Aquaphor is, both are simply petroleum jelly. These products can be used for various things, but they are mainly used as a form of chapstick or to moisturize skin.
I have used both of these products, and I must say that I am on the Vaseline side of this debate. There are multiple reasons why Vaseline takes superiority over Aquaphor.
Vaseline is recommended by doctors instead of Aquaphor. According to Healthline, a survey done in 2020 stated that dermatologists recommended using Vaseline on wounds after surgery. This proves that Vaseline is a better product because it can be used in the healing process and is also utilized for medical purposes. Vaseline is stronger and will do the job better than Aquaphor ever could.
Vaseline is 100 percent made of petroleum jelly. Meaning, Vaseline prevents water from leaving the skin, causing you to be more moisturized.
On the flip side, Aquaphor is made of only 41 percent petroleum jelly. It also contains other ingredients such as lanolin, a common allergen. This means that Vaseline is a safer option, because it is a simpler recipe
The other additives that Aquaphor has are unnecessary and have no benefits except being artificial and unneeded.
While Aquaphor contains lanolin, an oil coming from sheep’s wool, it also has various other ingredients, unlike Vaseline. Mineral oil, panthenol, glycerin, bisabolol, and ceresin and other ingredients are found in Aquaphor.
Have your parents ever said, “If you can’t pronounce the ingredients in something, don’t use it.” Well this is the perfect time to do what your parents say.
Because Aquaphor is semi-occlusive (anything can penetrate in or out), your skin or area you are trying to moisturize will have a flow of water and oxygen coming in or out. Furthering the point that Aquaphor is worse for you and will not moisturize as well as occlusive Vaseline.
These ingredients cause sensitivity to some people. It’s also worth noting that the ingredients in Aquaphor are not vegan or cruelty-free.
Sophomore Sophia Woods once was an Aquaphor fan, but suddenly turned to Vaseline instead.
“One night right before bed I went to put on Aquaphor, as I usually did, but this time my lips started swelling up and leaving a rash and burning sensation on my face and lips,” Woods said. “Now I use Vaseline.”
Would you rather use a moisturizer that is used in a medical setting, approved by dermatologists and has simple ingredients? Or an oily tube of unnecessary added ingredients?
I think that it is also important to note how Aquaphor is not used in hospitals and doctors offices because doctors would rather use Vaseline.
If you currently use Aquaphor, I would highly recommend that you throw it out. Vaseline will do a better job and you won’t have to worry about having an allergic reaction to it.
However, at the end of the day, these two products come down to the same thing. One has more unneeded additives, but they boil down to the exact same base. Aquaphor is the worst option and you will most likely regret using this product when you have an allergic reaction to one of the added ingredients.
So the next time you are at the drugstore, opt for a tub of Vaseline, and I promise you will not be disappointed.

Aquaphor and Vaseline are both popular products used by many people, especially highschool students. The question that becomes apparent is, which is better?
My personal opinion is that Aquaphor is the better product out of the two. I use it on my lips and skin but Aquaphor can be used for so much more and is superior to Vaseline for many reasons.
Vaseline consists of only petroleum jelly and is also the main ingredient in Aquaphor. Petroleum is a type of purified mineral oil which locks in moisture and protects skin like a barrier.
While petroleum is 41 percent of what Aquaphor is made up of, it also includes mineral oil, ceresin, lanolin alcohol, panthenol, glycerin, bisabolol, and cholesterol.
Sophomore, Annalise Hutson, shares her bad experience with Vaseline and why she switched to Aquaphor.
“I used to use Vaseline on my eyelashes to help them grow and I had a horrible reaction to it. It made my eyelids red, raw, and puffy. I switched to Aquaphor and never went back,” Hutson said.
Hutson’s story provides evidence that even with all the extra ingredients in Aquaphor, it is still possible for someone to have an allergic reaction to Vaseline and not to Aquaphor.
The excess ingredients in Aquaphor like mineral oil, lanolin alcohol, panthenol, and glycerin all work together to keep your skin moisturized for hours after the substance is applied. While those ingredients keep your skin moisturized, ceresin, bisabolol, cholesterol, and panthenol all work to heal your skin and relieve irritation.
Aquaphor is superior in the healing process because of the excess ingredients. Aquaphor is best recommended for healing dry skin, chapped lips, and minor cuts and scrapes. It can also assist with sunburns, diaper rash, cracked heels or hands, post tattoo care, eczema and psoriasis, and irritations caused from shaving.
Sophomore, Sariah Swanke, shares a story that provides evidence that Aquaphor is best recommended for healing.
“The lady who did my tattoo told me to only use Aquaphor. She said it was the best choice out of Vaseline and any other products,” Swanke said.
Aquaphor advertises that it is “The number one dermatologist recommended brand for dry, cracked skin” on almost all of their products. According to the Aquaphor website, their product is helpful in healing minor wounds because of its semi- occlusive barrier.
This means that when Aquaphor is applied to a wound, it not only creates a barrier to keep the skin moisturized and protected but it also allows excess fluids to flow out of the wound and oxygen to flow to the wound. When Vaseline is applied, it creates a strong barrier that prevents bacteria from entering the wound but also doesn’t allow any airflow in or outflow of fluids.
According to the Academy of Dermatology Association, when looking for an effective moisturizer or chapstick it’s important to avoid added flavoring and fragrances. While comparing the products offered by both brands, there are more options offered by Vaseline, but this is because they offer different flavored and scented products.
Vaseline sells scented lotions and flavored lip products while Aquaphor doesn’t offer any flavored or scented products. This is one of many examples of why Aquaphor and the products they offer are superior to Vaselines.
If you are currently stuck between the two products or are strictly a Vaseline user, I would strongly recommend you leave Vaseline in the past and switch to Aquaphor.