Kickapoo High Quarterly


Kickapoo High Quarterly


Kickapoo High Quarterly


Reasons College Athletes Quit

A lot of high school athletes dream is to play in college. But for some the stress of school and their sport can get too much.
College is a new beginning and some athletes may quit their sport but it will always be a chapter in their life.

#1 Burnt out
For athletes who have played almost their entire life they may get tired of the same thing and want to change it up. Waking up and having to train, practice, and the other responsibilities of a college athlete can get tiring and repetitive. College is a new chapter for students and a chance to try new things.
#2 Financial Reasons
Some high school athletes will get scholarships early on for their sport but some athletes don’t get them till they prove themselves or don’t receive any at all. This can put a huge financial burnden on these athletes to be able to participate in their sport. It’s not only college they would have to pay for, it’s all of the side expenses that go along with their sport such as equipment, training, and travel expenses.
#3 Focusing on their future career
As these college athletes get closer to graduation some may move on to the national level but others have to figure out what their future is going to look like. Athletes may quit their sport to concentrate on their profession they have chosen outside of sports.
#4 Starting new and having to transition
If the student athlete is going to college far from home they may get homesick and not. This can make it hard for them to adapt to the demands of college life and can lead to the decision to quit sports.
#5 Personal Reasons
Family obligations, mental health, and other events that may come up and can influence an athlete to choose to quit their sport. This can also be an injury of some sort. When injuries come up some can cause the athlete to permanently never play again or cause the player to be scared to go back in fear of hurting themselves again.
#6 Loss of love for the game
Over time, athletes might realize their interests have shifted and are leading them away from their sport. College is a chance to start fresh and set new goals and achieve new things. These personal goals, and passions could influence this loss of love.
#7 Coaches
A big reason that most athletes quit their sprt is because of the coaches. This could be a conflict, or just overall their way of coachings. Other issues that a coach could cause an athlete to quit could be lack of support, communication and not enjoyable anymore.

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About the Contributor
Abby Galyean, Photo Director