Kickapoo High Quarterly


Kickapoo High Quarterly


Kickapoo High Quarterly


All content by Nicholas Jensen
The Bagwell house lights up the night with an animated Christmas themed light show.

Holiday Glow

Holiday lights are one of the most delicious parts of the Winter holiday season. Springfield offers various light shows and displays, ranging from a passing sight to a fun night out.
Nicholas Jensen, Reporter December 15, 2023

Bagwell Lights    The Bagwell Lights are a home light display run by Mike Bagwell and his family in Springfield. The Bagwell family house was always one that went all-out on Christmas lights. Over...

The drivers nightmare, a flat tire.

Got a Flat Tire?

Knowing the basics of automotive vehicle repair and maintenance may prevent disaster.
Nicholas Jensen, Reporter October 18, 2023

WARNING SIGNS    You start your car, greeted by the glow of eight unique symbols beside the speedometer. These are warning lights, issued in most vehicles to warn of mechanical failure. The most common...