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Kickapoo High Quarterly


Kickapoo High Quarterly


Kickapoo High Quarterly


Annemarie Wilhite, Copy Editor

All content by Annemarie Wilhite
Our buses have become much safer with the implementation of the WheresTheBus app.

What is WheresTheBus?

The district has just implemented an app called WheresTheBus that will keep parents informed and increase safety for students who ride the bus.
Annemarie Wilhite, Copy Editor March 11, 2025

   On February 18, the Springfield Public Schools (SPS) district launched an app called WheresTheBus. This app allows parents and students to view accurate bus pickup and drop-off times from their mobile...

504 plans could be endangered by dissolving the Department of Education.

What is the Department of Education?

The Department of Education has many crucial responsibilities, but many believe these functions should be left up to the state rather than the federal government.
Annemarie Wilhite, Copy Editor March 11, 2025

   Abolishing the Department of Education has been a relevant topic of conversation in the news lately, but many aren’t aware of how the department works and shapes our educational environments. Although...

Several protestors in Missouri came together with signs like these hoping to increase the hourly wages.

The Rise in Minimum Wage

The minimum wage typically rises each year by a slight amount. However, in the coming years, Missouri will see large increases due to Proposition A.
Annemarie Wilhite, Copy Editor December 20, 2024

   On November 5, 2024, Missouri voters voted in favor of Proposition A. According to the Missouri Department of Labor, Proposition A will raise the minimum wage to $13.75 from $12.30 starting January...

Honors classes typically have a larger workload, but having a weighted GPA would make up for it.

Honors Changes

The current freshmen and sophomore classes, as well as classes that follow, will no longer receive weighted credit for certain honors classes.
Annemarie Wilhite, Copy Editor December 19, 2024

    Recently, various changes have been made to future classes’ honors opportunities. The Class of 2026 is now the cut off for the changes to honors classes, meaning that current juniors and seniors...

A creative spooky trunk designed for a past years annual trunk or treat!

Fall Festivities

Join our clubs, Cabinet, and student council members in donating to a great cause during the spooky and festive Ozarks Food Harvest Fall Festival!
Annemarie Wilhite, Copy Editor October 16, 2024

   Each year, we have the Ozarks Food Harvest Fall Festival in the gymnasium at our school. Scheduled for Saturday, October 26, the festival invites everyone to contribute to a great cause by donating...

The leading candidates for our upcoming presidential election have had just one debate so far, in comparison to the usual three debates typically seen in most elections.

Require the Debate

Presidential debates should be mandatory because they help voters become informed and lead to better election results.
Annemarie Wilhite, Copy Editor October 16, 2024

   With the election season approaching, voters must have an opportunity to hear each candidate’s viewpoints to make an informed decision on who to vote for. In a recent controversy, former President...

One of the very few Planned Parenthood clinics in Missouri, located on Battlefield in Springfield.

Missouri Reevaluates Planned Parenthood

The Missouri House has been attempting to defund Planned Parenthood for years. Recently, it has been passed into law. This may deprive certain services from low income individuals.
Annemarie Wilhite, Copy Editor May 14, 2024

   Access to reproductive healthcare provided by organizations like Planned Parenthood can be very crucial for women. Many women lack access to affordable healthcare elsewhere, making clinics like these...

Calista Fontinel (left) Miss Highfill (right)

Teachers Who Changed Everything

Many seniors have formed connections with teachers throughout their high school careers. As graduation nears, students reflect on the influence their favorite teachers have brought upon them.
Annemarie Wilhite, Copy Editor April 29, 2024

Haven Henry (12)    Q: What teacher had the biggest impact on you?    A: “Miss Moore.”    Q: Why did you pick Miss Moore?    A: “There was a time last year when the...

The Science Olympiad team at their regional competition.

The Amazing Olympiads

Our Science Olympiad team went to their regional competition and performed exceptionally. After all their practice and hard work throughout the year, they placed second in the region and will go on to state.
Annemarie Wilhite, Copy Editor March 1, 2024

   Our science department is very expansive when it comes to their extracurriculars. Science Hub and Science Olympiad are two clubs offered for individuals interested in various aspects of the science...

The majority of teenagers with access to internet utilize TikTok. Due to this, misinformation is more accessible than ever.

[Photo] Teaching Media Literacy

February 28, 2024

The majority of teenagers with access to internet utilize TikTok. Due to this, misinformation is more accessible than ever.

Students often experience elevated levels of stress while preparing for the ACT, a test that can determine what colleges they may get into.

Galileo to ACT’s

As the semester ends and the EOC and Galileo season rolls around, students dread having to take standardized tests that use one score to rank their knowledge.
Annemarie Wilhite, Copy Editor December 19, 2023

Throughout our years in school, Galileo tests are used to measure how students digest the information in their courses. In my experience, the Galileo tests typically cover a lot of unfamiliar information....

Students often experience elevated levels of stress while preparing for the ACT, a test that can determine what colleges they may get into.

Students often experience elevated levels of stress while preparing for the ACT, a test that can determine what colleges they may get into.

Students often experience elevated levels of stress while preparing for the ACT, a test that can determine what colleges they may get into.

Students often experience elevated levels of stress while preparing for the ACT, a test that can determine what colleges they may get into.

Governor Parsons signing the House Bill 2 in our library, surrounded by Cabinet members and Dr. Powers.

Governor Parson in the 417

Many students were aware of Governor Parson coming to Kickapoo and signing a bill, but most don't know what the bill contained.
Annemarie Wilhite, Copy Editor October 18, 2023

In late September of this year, Governor of Missouri Mike Parson came to our school to sign House Bill 2 (HB 2). Along with signing the bill, he met and shook hands with multiple students and staff. The...