Kickapoo High Quarterly


Kickapoo High Quarterly


Kickapoo High Quarterly


    Don’t Order Delivery

    Food delivery services are no longer allowed to deliver to our school, but why?
    Starting November 29, 2023, many students were upset with no longer being able to order food to campus, but many didn’t understand why.

       Forgotten your lunch? Don’t think about ordering food to the school, or else your courier will be turned away at the door along with your meal. 

       This seems like a drastic change. After all, getting some simple food delivered doesn’t hurt anyone, but taking a look into what caused this change puts some reasoning behind it.

       Since November 29 any and all food and drink delivery companies are no longer allowed to cater to our school. However, parents and guardians of students are still allowed to drop off food and other items as long as they check in with the office first.

       Along with our administration as a whole, Dr. Powers noticed quite a few things about how food gets delivered.

       “During lunch, I usually sit by the stairs and I just remember being surprised by the amount of traffic coming in the building,” Powers said.

       There are two entrances that deliveries are meant to be made to, those being the main office entrance and the attendance office entrance.

       “While those entrances are secure, students prop and hold doors. There was actually one occasion in which an adult entered the building and I had to direct them back towards the exit,” Powers said.

       The general consensus is that having so many people invited to bring things to our school creates an unsafe environment for everyone.

       “We also started to have more thefts. Students would come to us saying that their food had been stolen and ask us to help them and look on the cameras, and it just became a waste of time and resources on our part,” Powers said.

       With all the deliveries simply being placed on a table inside the school’s entrance, it’s not difficult for anyone to walk up and grab anything they’d like, leaving the student who actually ordered the food feeling cheated.

       This change is most likely going to be permanent, as there’s not much that the admin can do in order to solve these problems without having to change things extensively. For now, forgetful or exceptionally hungry students will have to settle for the school lunch.

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