Kickapoo High Quarterly


Kickapoo High Quarterly


Kickapoo High Quarterly


Goodbye to the Little Things

While there are many things I’ll forever miss about high school, the little things made it truly special and will hold a place in my heart forever.
Photo by Zhana Owrey
Graduating can be a bittersweet moment for seniors, and while I’ll miss the things I’ve come to love here, I know the future holds new adventures.
Johnny #5, as named by our custodians, is always a fun sight to see when everyone has left. Not typically out during the day, Johnny #5 keeps his eyes out after school and keeps our school shining while we’re gone. (Photo by Zhana Owrey)


Coffee runs, while the cause of my many tardies, have also made the hours of school work feel just a little more enjoyable when treating myself, and teachers seem happier when they get one as well.
(Photo by Zhana Owrey)
Lunch has always been an oasis for social interaction when I’ve gone all day without my friends. Whether talking about a hard test or viral videos, that small 25 minute break makes all the difference. (Photo by Zhana Owrey)
Joining magazine wasn’t something I was too interested in at first, but it’s an experience I’ll never forget. Whether from the community, the amazing advisor, or the new things I’m constantly learning, room 201 holds a place in my heart I won’t forget. (Photo by Zhana Owrey)
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About the Contributor
Zhana Owrey, Reporter