Foreign Language Credits

Madilyn McClure, Reporter

Learning a foreign language isn’t for everyone. Some people excel in this department, while others struggle to wrap their minds around something so different. You might’ve heard people in your life say things like, “Without credits of foreign language, you probably won’t get into college,”. Is this statement really true?

“[Having a foreign language] sets students apart to  more employers and the general public,” Spanish teacher Kristen Wyrick said. 

Mrs. Wyrick is a teacher who believes that being fluent in another foreign language is incredibly  important. 

Now, it is not impossible to get into college without 2 credits of a foreign language, but it does set a disadvantage. When looking between someone with two foreign language credits on their application and someone with less, college admissions officers are more likely to choose the first. Foreign language fluency is more appealing to colleges because it opens the door for opportunity and success. People who are fluent in two or more languages are available to more career opportunities and are more culturally developed, after learning about a new culture and its language.  Colleges also like consistency when it comes to foreign languages. 

These classes should be in the same language—colleges would much prefer to see proficiency in one language than a superficial smattering of several languages,” Allen Grove said, in his article for 

Again, however, it’s not impossible for a high school senior with little to no foreign language credits to get into college. 

“I think a person can get into college but you won’t be very competitive,” Mrs. Wyrick said. 

A student who doesn’t fulfill those requirements must know that their level of competitiveness when trying to get into a college is much lower without being fluent in a foreign language. 

“That said, students who have just the minimum can win admission if their applications demonstrate strengths in other areas,” Grove from said. 

Our 2020-21 school year is coming to an end, and people are moving up a grade, graduating, and going off to college.  It is important that students feel prepared for what is ahead, and understand all of the factors that go into making their education as successful as possible. Foreign language classes look great on applications, but aren’t for everyone. If it is something that peaks your interest, go for it. However, just know, they are not required to get into college. Everyone should pursue their own passions and skills while taking a step into further education and adulthood.