Kickapoo High Quarterly


Kickapoo High Quarterly


Kickapoo High Quarterly


Ryan Roberson, Reporter

All content by Ryan Roberson
Many sources of water had an unsafe level of lead contained in the water, which is a health hazard to anyone who drinks it.

Solving the Water problem

After a round of testing across the Springfield Public Schools (SPS) buildings, many had unsafe amounts of lead in the water. Here is how the district plans to fix it.
Ryan Roberson, Reporter May 15, 2024

   Springfield Public Schools (SPS) recently tested the water for lead inside at all SPS buildings. These tests discovered that many water sources used for cooking or drinking contained water with lead...

The restrictions put on the internet limits what we can access affects us on every device connected to the wifi.

Blocking our Connection

Schools regulate what websites can be accessed on their internet, but they overdue it.
Ryan Roberson, Reporter April 29, 2024

   It's common practice for schools to limit what you can access from your Chromebook, and with good reason. But here, they also regulate accessibility over the internet. This means that no matter what...

An aerial shot of Anaheim, California. This is the city where finalists from state and separate countries will culminate for the international competition labeled the International Career Development Conference.

Distributing the Education in DECA

Our chapter of Distributive Education Clubs of America won many awards recently, here is a look at how they are doing.
Ryan Roberson, Reporter March 6, 2024

    Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) is a chapter based organization that works at the high school and college level to help provide students with the skills necessary to work in a selection...

Its considered a good habit to study for tests and other projects in classes, but what are the best spots to study at?

Study Spots For an Easy A

Our school offers many great unknown locations to study at, so here's a dive into these locations and their perks and downsides to each.
Ryan Roberson, Reporter February 29, 2024

   The Commons is a great location to study at due to its wide range of seating. Its size and calming atmosphere with music to top it off. This makes it a perfect spot to work at outside of the classroom.    Here...

Many stores offer  deals over the course of the week of Black Friday. The deals range on a wide variety of products commonly.

Has Black Friday Changed Forever?

Gone are the Black Friday lines, and in with the new norm of online shopping.
Ryan Roberson, Reporter December 15, 2023

In the early 2000s and beyond, it was common for people to camp out overnight in front of major retail stores. But now, the lines are gone as people make the shift to online Black Friday shopping, leaving...

Early morning in a local Springfield residence, enjoying the morning sun with the extra time before school on Wednesday.

[Photo] Leave Sooner or Start Later?

October 18, 2023

Early morning in a local Springfield residence, enjoying the morning sun with the extra time before school on Wednesday.